“This gift honors my father and the sacrifices he made to send his four daughters to college,” says Susan Parker ’74 of the Harold W. Parker Scholarship that she and her husband, Brian Farrow, recently established for students in design and human environment. “Mom and Dad had all four of us by the time they were 23. Neither one of them had gone to college, but they wanted to make sure we did, so Dad started squirreling money away at the credit union. He worked hard at his career with Blue Cross, eventually becoming a vice president. And his tenacity, mindfulness, and commitment to us paid off. All four of us graduated from college debt free.” Susan said the scholarship is the perfect way to pay tribute to her father’s love and generosity. Macy’s, where Susan is vice president and store manager in Pleasonton, California, will match the gift. “I never would have been able to do what I’ve done today without his help. I am forever grateful to both my parents and value this opportunity to show our children how the spirit of philanthropy can impact future generations.”
The Harold W. Parker Scholarship will give students in design and human environment the same advantage that Susan enjoyed.