Paul Maguire ’86 PhD worked with Dr. John Dunn to establish the first motor fitness clinic for young people with disabilities at OSU in the early 1980s. Having kept in touch with a number of graduates, admiring and encouraging their work, Paul wrote and suggested we feature some from across the country who are continuing the legacy of meeting the needs of people with disabilities. Paul’s career has included work in Alaska teaching students with disabilities in 15 remote villages and initiating a statewide wellness conference for parents and teachers of youth with unique health needs; training teachers in New Hampshire about inclusion; and developing clinics at Northern Illinois University and Adelphi University, as well as co-coordinating SUNY-Cortland clinics.
You can contact Paul atyuuyaraq@yahoo.com.
As doctoral students in OSU’s nationally respected Movement Studies in Disability program, these alumni had first-hand experience with the clinic now known as IMPACT: Individualized Movement and Physical Activity for Children Today. “We’re proud that they’re spreading their expertise and commitment to young people with disabilities across the country,” says Jeff McCubbin, Distinguished Professor of Exercise Science.
Learn more about IMPACT at health.oregonstate.edu/IMPACT.
Manny Felix ’94 PhD
Director, Center for Disability Health and Adapted Physical Activity
Coordinator, Undergraduate Adapted Physical Education Department of Exercise and Sport Science
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
The center offers eight different physical activity, fitness, and wellness programs to improve the health of individuals of all ages with a variety of disabilities. Through center programs, adapted physical education minor students apply content learned in class to real-life settings to prepare them for work in this field. Manny coordinates many of the center’s programs with the local YMCA, La Crosse Parks and Recreation, and Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs to assist community agencies in providing inclusive physical activity programs for youth with disabilities throughout the La Crosse community.
You can contact Manny at felix.emma@uwlax.edu.
Cathy Houston-Wilson ’94 PhD
Associate Chair, Department of Physical Education and Sport
The College at Brockport – State University of New York
The 30 students in Cathy’s Adapted Physical Education class meet each Friday morning for “Swim and Gym,” a motor program for Brockport-area children with disabilities. Students are paired with a child for the two-hour five-part lesson that includes circle time, warm-up, fitness, skill-building, and group activities. Cathy and fellow faculty member and OSU Beaver Lauren Lieberman have co-authored a number of articles and a handbook on perceived barriers to including students with visual impairments in physical education and strategies for inclusion.
You can contact Cathy at chouston@brockport.edu.
Lauren Lieberman ’96 PhD
Director, Camp Abilities
Department of Physical Education and Sport
The College at Brockport – State University of New York
Lauren says her experience working with OSU’s IMPACT program gave her the planning, instruction, and practicum development skills to start Camp Abilities in 1996. It’s a one-week developmental sports camp at The College at Brockport-SUNY, for children ages 9 to 19 who are visually impaired, blind, or deafblind. The program is now in eight states — 1,100 children have attended camp, and more than 800 teachers have been trained in recreation work with children with sensory impairments. A sign language specialist, Lauren has co-authored several books and is currently developing products and curricula on the physical activity needs of children with sensory impairments.
For more information, visit www.campabilities.org or contact lieberm@brockport.edu.
Rebecca Lytle ’99 PhD
Associate Professor, Adapted Physical Education Program
Department of Kinesiology
California State University – Chico
Rebecca, or “Reb,” says her OSU training has helped her start several service programs for individuals with disabilities in her position as associate professor at CSU-Chico. She currently coordinates four programs: the Autism Clinic Sensory and Motor Program, in which students work with families; KIDS:PLAY, which provides physical activity for participants, service learning for students, and respite and education for families; BE:WEL for faculty, staff, students, and community members with disabilities; and Adapted Sports Day for children who are deaf, blind, or have orthopedic disabilities, an activity that’s hosted with the Northern California APE Consortium.
You can contact Rebecca at RLytle@csuchico.edu.