CPHHS Public Health student Greg Heinonen will be traveling to Washington, D.C., in April to participate in the 22nd annual “Posters on the Hill,” which allows him to present his research to national lawmakers.
Greg’s submission was one of only 60 posters accepted to the event, out of more than 400 submissions. This is a national poster event organized by the Council on Undergraduate Research that selects one student representative from each state (two from the larger states) to travel to Washington DC to share their research with members of Congress, staffers, etc. Heinonen has also shown his work at the 2017 Stanford Undergraduate Research Conference last April and 2018 National Collegiate Research Conference at Harvard University this past January. The title of his work is “Examining the Relationship Between Parent and Child Health in Young Children with Developmental Disabilities.”
Greg was also was recognized with the prestigious Waldo-Cummings Outstanding Student Award at the 2017 Oregon State University Student Awards Recognition Dinner on May 25. He started volunteering with the Individualized Movement and Physical Activity Program for Children Today (IMPACT) during the first term of his first year at Oregon State. He’s now in his sixth term working with the program and is still involved with the same two participants.
He also became involved with the Undergraduate Research Awards Program (URAP) during his first year, and he’s continued since. Through URAP, he worked on two research projects that helped him gain a better understanding of the health of children with developmental disabilities. Greg also works as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. Greg’s career goal is to become a pediatrician and work with children with developmental disabilities.
This story originally appeared in Life@OSU.