Casey Farm is the director of alumni relations for the College of Public Health and Human Sciences. Casey recently served as foundation relations specialist for the PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center Foundation in Florence, Oregon. Prior to PeaceHealth, Casey worked for United Way of the Columbia-Willamette, serving as senior manager of the Pacific Northwest Combined Federal Campaign.
In close collaboration with the college, OSU Foundation and OSU Alumni Association leadership, he will develop and implement a plan for the college that incorporates both fund-raising and engagement goals.
What made you decide to get into this field? Is there one specific moment that inspired your career path?
“I was in sports broadcasting during college and for a few years after I graduated. In order to make enough money to pay the bills, I soon realized I needed supplemental income from another job. As luck would have it, I began working for the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette (UWCW) in Portland. That supplemental job became a full-time position that changed the course of my career. UWCW really opened my eyes and heart to how I could use my skills to engage individuals and corporate partners in philanthropy and volunteerism. Working with dedicated and caring people and seeing firsthand the positive impact on the local community inspired my career path.”
What do you love about your field? What energizes you?
“I love being able to connect with individuals and learn their personal stories and what motivates them. These are exciting times for CPHHS, its faculty, alumni and friends. What energizes me is the chance to weave all these stories together to build engagement around the innovation coming out of CPHHS.”
Why did you choose to work at Oregon State/CPHHS?
“As an OSU alum and long-time Beaver Believer, I’ve always been proud of my affiliation with Oregon State and promoted its successes.
“In fact, it was always a goal of mine to return to OSU in some capacity. I feel very fortunate that this position opened up specifically within CPHHS because I had been working in health care philanthropy and engagement for PeaceHealth on the Oregon coast in Florence. It felt like all the stars aligned with this opportunity.”
What the best thing about working at Oregon State?
“The people, hands down! The OSU Alumni Association, Foundation and the CPHHS all have really talented, hard-working individuals who are dedicated to making OSU a premier institution. Their passion, enthusiasm and drive inspire me to apply the same kind of energy in my work.
“I look forward to learning about all the ways our faculty, alumni and friends are achieving the same thing for their collective communities and being able to spotlight their efforts. Getting to wear orange and black whenever I want is a pretty good perk, too.”
What are you most proud of in your work so far?
“When I worked for the United Way, I was a part of a new strategy called the Community Speaker program, which recruited and trained experts in public speaking and engagement to work alongside UWCW fund-raising staff. This strategy helped UWCW set a record for the largest dollar increase over a previous campaign in the then 80-year history of the organization. Knowing that the efforts of my program directly contributed to this increase in funds was especially meaningful because it meant that more assistance would go to nonprofit organizations doing critical work in Portland and the surrounding communities.”
How do you strive to affect people’s lives with your work?
“My work revolves around individuals and groups who are already impacting people’s lives for the better through their research, teaching and work with CPHHS. The best way for me to contribute is to showcase their stories and build engagement, which will open the door for new CPHHS opportunities and partnerships.
“I have always been a believer in the credo of surrounding yourself with the best and the brightest because it’s the best way to make meaningful and lasting progress.”
What is one surprising thing about you that not many people know?
“I have a deep connection to, and love for, the Netherlands. My mom’s side of the family tree is Dutch, and I have numerous relatives scattered throughout the country. I had the chance to visit this past fall, and whether in Amsterdam or the countryside, it feels like home.
“For anyone making a trip to the Netherlands, plan to spend time in the Jordaan neighborhood in Amsterdam, try a fresh stroopwafel, enjoy some xx-sharp Gouda cheese and explore the countryside by bike or train. You won’t be disappointed! Oh, and orange, oranje, is the color of the Dutch Royal Family.”
What are your favorite activities outside of work?
“I feel like I am a fairly typical Oregonian. I love craft beer and home-brewing (especially IPAs), day trips around the state, hiking and traveling near or far. I want to learn how to bake bread in 2019. And, of course, attend games to cheer on the Beavers whenever I can. Go Beavs!”
You can contact Casey via email or phone at 541-737-3456.