Ellie Slama will receive her bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from Oregon State University on June 12. During her time in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Ellie played on the Oregon State women’s golf team.
In May 2021, Ellie took over the college’s Instagram stories to share her experience as a student athlete and kinesiology major by answering questions submitted by current and future students. Below are some of her answers.
The student athlete experience
How do you manage school and sports?
I’ve learned that prioritizing school is very important. I do my best to stay organized with a planner and schedule. I also try to get as much studying done before we travel.
How did you become a student athlete? What’s the process like?
I’ve been playing golf basically all my life. I started competing when I was 8, and by my freshman year of high school I started contacting coaches and being recruited to play in college!
How have you been able to manage labs with practice and tournaments?
Labs are always tricky because they are in the afternoon and that is when my team practices. Before we switched to remote learning, I would plan three hours of my day to practice alone so that I could attend my afternoon labs.
When do you find time to study?
I do my best to make time for it in the evenings after practice, but it’s definitely difficult! On days we don’t have workouts in the morning, I will sometimes go over my notes then, too.
Inside look at the kinesiology major
What’s your dream kinesiology job?
My ultimate goal is to become a physical therapist. I also have some interest in playing professional golf.
What has been your favorite kinesiology course?
Such a good question! I would say exercise physiology and biomechanics were two of my favorite classes so far. I was able to take these on campus before COVID and they were taught so well.
Can I do a pre-PA with a kinesiology major?
Yes, you can! The options within Oregon State’s kinesiology major are pre-athletic training, pre-medicine, pre-nursing, pre-occupational therapy, pre-physical therapy and pre-physician assistant. Make sure you also look at what your future programs pre-requisites are.

What to do in Corvallis
Ellie also asked our audience to share their favorite spots in Corvallis. Some of the locations mentioned were:
- McDonald Forest
- Dimple Hill
- Being able to walk along the Williamette River
- Jackson Frazier Wetlands
- Avery Park
- Bruce Starker Arts Park
Watch Ellie’s entire takeover and follow the college’s account to see future student takeovers.