Winston Kennedy, DPT, a PhD student in kinesiology, was awarded the Thurgood Marshall Graduate Scholarship. He is a graduate student in Sam Logan’s Social Mobility Lab.
Category: Kudos
Adrienne Henry, a PhD student in HDFS, has been awarded funding from OSU’s President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCOSW) for her initial dissertation work. Her exploratory research project is titled “Home-based child care providers as ‘small business owners/entrepreneurs:’ An exploration of motivation and professional identity.”
Niddy Lindsley, executive support specialist and analyst programmer in the CPHHS Office of Student Success, has been selected as the recipient of the 2019 OSU Exemplary Employee Award for Classified Staff. Niddy demonstrates the work performance and service of the highest caliber that is considered above and beyond standard expectations. Niddy will be honored at […]
During a recent professional trip to Thailand, Professor Brad Cardinal was recognized by the International Federation of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science Association (India) with an “Award of Honour” for his outstanding contributions to the field of physical education, sports science and sports and for his excellence as a keynote speaker. He also was recognized with […]
The highly collaborative manuscript “Real world tracking of modified ride-on car usage of young children with disabilities” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Motor Learning and Development. Two of the co-authors are high school seniors Joshua and Benjamin Phelps, who also volunteered in Sam Logan’s Social Mobility Lab. The two developed the technology installed in modified, ride-on cars that […]
Led by Professor Karen Hooker, the article “Effects of age discrimination on self-perceptions of aging and cancer risk behaviors,” was just published in The Gerontologist, including as co-authors two PHHS alumnae (Shannon Mejia in HDFS and Sandi Phibbs in HPHB), and thought leaders at the AARP. In a longitudinal study using data from the Health and Retirement Study, the researchers […]