The College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ (CPHHS) accreditation campaign, “The Future of Public Health is Here,” has earned recognition from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VIII.
Led by CPHHS Marketing and Communications Director Kathryn Stroppel, the college’s new marketing materials won three awards that were presented at the CASE District VIII Conference in Seattle early February.
The overall accreditation campaign, “The Future of Public Health is Here,” received a Silver award in the “Branding and Image Development/Identity Programs and Projects” category. This award was presented to Kathryn, CPHHS Multimedia Communications Specialist Heather Turner, CPHHS Web Coordinator Alan Calvert, designer Mary Susan Weldon and Assistant Director of OSU Interactive Communications Santiago Uceda.
The college’s one-page Future of Public Health website earned a Bronze award in the “Other, Sub-site or Section” category. This award was presented to Kathryn, Heather, Alan, Santiago, User Experience and Web Marketing Specialist for OSU Interactive Communications Kegan Sims and Director of OSU Interactive Communications David Baker.
The Future of Public Health image piece earned a Bronze award in the “Other, Special Purpose Publications” category. This award was presented to Kathryn and Mary Susan Weldon.
In 2014, a college video titled “Physical activity program IMPACTs the lives of children with special needs” earned a Bronze award in the CASE 2014 Circle of Excellence international awards program.
Also in 2014, the CPHHS branded marketing materials won a silver award in the “Design Improvement (Print or Identity)” category.
In 2013, the college’s online news site, Synergies, earned a Gold award in the “Websites/Web Magazine (Periodical or Continual) category, and a college video titled “MPH student helps improve women’s health in Uganda” earned a Bronze award in the “Video & Multimedia/Student Recruitment Videos” category.
In 2012, the CPHHS earned a Silver award in the “Best Overall Website” category for the college’s website.