After 33 years with the college, Professor Vicki Ebbeck associate dean for student success, is retiring. September 30 will be her last day with the college.
Vicki began her employment at OSU as an assistant professor in 1990 in the former Department of Exercise and Sport Science.
During her tenure with the college, Vicki initiated the approval of sports and exercise psychology as an area of emphasis at the graduate level, and the addition of sport and exercise psychology to the list of required core courses for undergraduates in the department.
Vicki also established a sport and exercise psychology laboratory and developed a scholarly program that was widely lauded by professionals in the field.
Vicki’s contributions are extensive and include serving as the editor-in-chief for the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology and an executive board member for the Association of Applied Sport Psychology.
At OSU, Vicki served on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Data Governance Steering Committee, President & Vice Provost Leadership Council on Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice, and the Academic Integrity Taskforce that revamped the academic misconduct process that is still used on campus.
Vicki twice received the college’s Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award.
Vicki has fulfilled a variety of administrative roles in the college, including graduate program director and associate dean for student success, which she stepped away from to serve as interim dean.
Vicki has seen many changes over the years and has been a catalyst for positive change.