CPHHS’s Exercise and Sport Science Professor Brad Cardinal has recently been selected as the 2013 NAKHE Distinguished Scholar Award recipient.
Each year, NAKHE (the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education) awards an educator “who has made significant contributions to kinesiology and physical education in higher education through their scholarly pursuits within a multidisciplinary perspective and has been a contributing member of NAKHE continuously for at least five years.”

“Looking at the list of past recipients, I am truly humbled,” Cardinal says. “While I have been singled out with this award, my work is really the result of a team effort and the reflection of the work of many other people — those who have graciously given of themselves to teach, mentor and inspire me; my colleagues, students and collaborators; the agencies and organizations that have sponsored our work and supported us; an incredible family and friend structure; and the grace of God.”
Cardinal, who has taught at Oregon State since 1997, is the 23rd person to be recognized for this award.
Cardinal’s work seeks to understand the psychosocial and socio-cultural factors associated with physical activity and health behaviors among diverse audiences, including cross-cultural, international and collaborative studies with scholars from Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
His work is also uniquely multidisciplinary, integrating several subdisciplinary areas within the field and spanning several professional areas touched by the field.
In 2009, Cardinal received Oregon State University’s Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor award. He is Fellow #475 of the National Academy of Kinesiology; a Fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine; a Fellow in the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals; and a Fellow in the Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Cardinal is known for his commitment to students, the educational process and mentoring; promoting diversity and multiculturalism; selfless professional services; and being a steward of the discipline of Kinesiology.
“Brad is a prolific author and an internationally respected scholar in the field of sport and exercise psychology and has held significant professional leadership roles,” says School of Biological and Population Health Sciences Co-Director Anthony Wilcox. “Brad is most deserving of this honor, and we’re proud to see him receive it.”
He received the award in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at a conference Jan. 2-3, 2013.
One reply on “EXSS Professor Brad Cardinal named 2013 “Distinguished Scholar””
Am I ever a proud Aunt Carole. You deserve this award. I’ve never met anyone so dedicated to his profession. Congratulations—not only a great scholar, but a great man.