OSU Extension accelerates its local outreach to improve vaccine confidence and uptake in Oregon’s Latino population.

OSU Extension accelerates its local outreach to improve vaccine confidence and uptake in Oregon’s Latino population.
The seventh round of door-to-door sampling throughout Corvallis by TRACE-COVID-19 field workers on suggested three people per 1,000 carried the coronavirus on those days.
Oregon State is accelerating its local outreach to improve confidence in COVID-19 vaccines in the state’s Latinx population, which has been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and whose vaccination rate lags behind other races and ethnicities.
Oregon State’s TRACE-COVID-19 program is partnering with Samaritan Health Services to offer door-to-door vaccinations as TRACE conducts its seventh community survey in Corvallis for the coronavirus.
Oregon State University will conduct its seventh round of TRACE-COVID-19 sampling in Corvallis with the addition of testing saliva for COVID-19 antibodies.
When a seafood processor in Newport, Oregon was hit with a large outbreak of the coronavirus virus, FCH Extension Service faculty got to work.