The path to professional success is rarely straight – and sometimes you need a new path altogether. Anna Gianpetro did, and decided to step away from her profession as a data analyst to pursue her true passion and lifelong hobby – nutrition.
Tag: Dietetics
After a career as a food scientist in dairy product development, Peggy took a break to be a stay-at- home mom. It was during this time that she thought long and hard about what she wanted to do for the remainder of her career. She arrived at the decision that she would return to school as a non-traditional student and shift her career path. This would allow her to live her true passion – helping people achieve or maintain their health through their food choices.

“It is so rewarding to feel as though I’ve made a difference, even if small, in my patients’ lives,” says Oregon State University Dietetic Internship intern Paige Becker, who is the recipient of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarship. “This is my favorite aspect of the internship thus far.”
As a sports dietitian for Oregon State Athletics, CPHHS alumna Stasi Kasianchuk, MS ’11, knows that athletes need more than a rigorous training regimen to gain peak performance on the field.
Senior Nutrition students had a lot on their plates hosting the annual Pangea Café take-over event – everything from planning meals to cooking in the kitchen. But the real key to their success, they say, is teamwork.
To encourage high school students to choose healthier options at lunch – and throughout their lives – two OSU dietetic interns are working to make healthy eating the more attractive choice through simple marketing techniques.