
A unique public/private partnership strengthens parenting education

“This new project will enable us to create an infrastructure for parenting education in Oregon that builds on best practices across the state and answers specific local needs,” says Denise Rennekamp.


Elizabeth McBride Menashe: Advocate, volunteer, fundraiser

“I have always been keenly aware of the nutrition needs of children and the plight of abused children,” says Elizabeth Menashe ’57 nutrition and food management. Giving knowledge and service back to her community has been a lifelong practice. Elizabeth recently made a $25,000 pledge to the College of Health and Human Sciences.

HDFS Research

Giving kids a Head Start

The latest issue of Terra, OSU’s research magazine, features a story about how a single mother of three finds the best care for her 4-year-old daughter at OSU’s Child Development Laboratory, which is a part of the college’s new Hallie Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families.


For children, for families, for the future

Nurturing development. Optimizing health. Discovering solutions.


Program launch of the new Hallie Ford Center

Just prior to her passing at age 102, Hallie Ford gave an $8 million gift to the college to build the center that will carry on her legacy of love, respect, and support for children and families.