Being a parent is a 24-hour-a-day job, and it’s normal for parents to feel overwhelmed sometimes. When we’re busy taking care of others, one of the first things we neglect is taking care of ourselves. Happier and less stressed moms are linked to a healthier and happier family overall.
When we’re over-stressed, our children also become stressed. Remember, time spent taking care of yourself is not selfish. Taking care of yourself helps you be a better parent. If you think stress may be affecting the way you treat your children, or if you just want some extra support, try some of the following suggestions:
Carve out personal time
Cut back on your load of responsibilities, and incorporate activities that bring passion and happiness into your life. Ask yourself what you want out of life, and don’t go by what other people say or think.
Talk to someone
Tell a friend, healthcare provider, counselor or leader in your faith community how you feel. Or, join a support group for parents.
Get babysitting when you need a break
Some parents trade babysitting with another family, so each parent gets a break.
Reach out to other parents
You may find parents with children the same ages as yours at a local
playground, your church, or your child’s daycare or school.
Talk to your child’s school
Teachers and school counselors often can point you to other places or resources that can help.
Take a class for parents
You can always learn new skills to care for your children. Classes for
parents on discipline, school success or child development can help you build on what you already know about raising a happy, healthy child.
This is posted in conjunction with Oregon Parenting Education Week 2012
The Hallie Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families promotes the development and well being of children, youth, and families by generating, translating, and sharing research-based knowledge.
The Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) supports delivery of high quality parenting education programs and collaborative efforts to strengthen regional parenting education systems.
OPEC is a partnership of four of Oregon’s largest foundations (The Oregon Community Foundation, The Ford Family Foundation, The Meyer Memorial Trust and The Collins Foundation) and Oregon State University.