Thanks to their hard work, during FY ’20, CPHHS faculty received $21,844,277 in awards and contracts, surpassing the previous record by more than $1.5 million. Oregon State topped out at more than $450 million, which is $10 million more than the last fiscal year.
OSU scientists dived into a range of work related to the pandemic, securing nine funding awards totaling more than $4 million, with several more coronavirus research proposals awaiting decision from funding agencies.
Among the work already funded is OSU’s TRACE-COVID-19 door-to-door sampling, co-led by CPHHS epidemiologist Jeff Bethel, which takes community-wide virus testing to several Oregon cities.
Other notable college grants in FY ’20 include studies on:
- The association between flame retardants and social stressors on children’s neuro-cognitive development, social behaviors and executive functioning
- The effectiveness of a physical activity intervention that uses family dogs to address the needs of adolescents with developmental disabilities
- Air quality changes associated with regulations for national motor vehicle emissions
- Identifying a cost-efficient, culturally sensitive intervention to increase HIV testing and lower its spread
- The impact of the new Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave measure
- Fishermen-led interventions to reduce non-fatal injuries among commercial Dungeness Crab fishermen
- A new measure to quantify and interpret the dietary relevance of cruciferous vegetables
“I am delighted that in these demanding times our faculty is increasingly more productive, turning challenges into opportunities and bringing in more external funding than ever,” says Marie Harvey, associate dean for research and distinguished professor of public health. “Our researchers represent diverse disciplines and engage in innovative approaches to improve the health of individuals and communities I am honored and proud to have the opportunity to work with such talented and competent scholars.”
To read more about university research, visit the OSU Newsroom. To learn more about research in the college, including notable FY ’20 grants, visit the college research page.