News Research

Working toward a smoke-free campus

Student smokers who appeared to be more dependent on nicotine were more likely to violate Oregon State University’s ban on smoking after the policy was adopted, new research has found.

Kinesiology News Research

Let’s get moving

Oregon State University researchers wanted to better understand the impacts of a physical activity class requirement. Here’s what they found.

Kinesiology News Research

Study finds adults play a key role in recess participation

“This study underscores the importance of a high quality recess experience for children,” says William Massey.

News Public Health Research

Second study finds Oregon college students reporting more marijuana use following legalization

College students at two large public universities in Oregon are reporting more use of marijuana following the drug’s legalization, including among those who are underage, Oregon State University researchers have found.

Kinesiology News Research

Unnecessarily difficult

Web page articles and other written materials designed to encourage physical activity are often too difficult to be easily read and understood by most U.S. adults, limiting their effectiveness, new research shows.

Kinesiology News Research

When it comes to school recess, a quality playground experience matters

Playground safety, access to play equipment, peer conflict resolution and quality engagement between adults and students are among the factors that contribute to a quality recess experience, new research shows.