The Youdes pledged $1.4 million to OSU, creating an estate plan and a charitable remainder trust to benefit several areas of the university.
“From the time they can walk, kids should be outside — running, jumping, climbing, exploring — for at least an hour a day,” says Stewart Trost, an internationally recognized expert on childhood obesity.
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Professor Marie Harvey received national acclaim for her 30-year career of research, teaching, and leadership when the American Public Health Association presented her with the Carl S. Shultz Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Maria has enjoyed a multicultural and interdisciplinary education and work experience. After finishing her baccalaureate degree in her native country of Greece and her Master’s in the European degree program, (with long-term study in both Belgium and Finland), Maria completed her PhD in nutrition and exercise science, specializing in movement studies in disability and exercise psychology.
An award winning food writer, artist and consultant, Jan has written and illustrated a weekly food column Food for Thought for the Corvallis Gazette-Times since 1983 and a syndicated column Fresh Approach since 1985.