Lifelong Beaver and new Human Development and Family Sciences instructor creates a climate of curiosity to empower the next generation of leaders

Lifelong Beaver and new Human Development and Family Sciences instructor creates a climate of curiosity to empower the next generation of leaders
Associate Professor David Rothwell is the new Barbara Emily Knudson Chair in Family Policy in Oregon State’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences.
Instead of looking at the reasons child welfare caseworkers leave their jobs, OSU researchers examined the common factors among workers who stay in the field, and what makes them feel most satisfied in their work.
Thanks to parents, preschoolers, and OSU students and staff, the OSU Child Development Center kept the doors open and survived an unprecedented year of service delivery in person.
As of March 2020, all 36 counties in Oregon qualify as child care “deserts” for infants and toddlers — meaning that there are at least three children under the age of 2 for every available child care slot in the county.
Logan is an undergraduate student studying human development and family sciences and will graduate this spring. After graduation, he hopes to work as an instructor or educational assistant.