“4-H gave me skills in citizenship, leadership, public speaking, and teamwork,” Abby says.
Tag: Mary Arnold
More than a number

“I wanted to align 4-H with what we are doing in the human development field,” Mary Arnold says. “We have leading self-regulation researchers right here in our college. It is an important part of youth development, but we never had it in our 4-H vocabulary.”
Modeling healthy choices

Through Youth Advocates for Health, or YA4-H!, teens such as Sarah are mentoring younger children in communities from Astoria to Ontario to help them make healthy choices.

The Ocean Watch 4-H Marine Ambassadors Camp has received the 2014 Outreach & Engagement Vice Provost Award for Excellence – Strategic Impact Award.
Investing in Oregon’s youth

With more than 20 years of experience in youth development and developmental psychology, PHHS Professor and Extension 4-H Youth Development Specialist Mary Arnold has been tasked with reinventing the wheel when it comes to youth investment – turning from intervention to prevention.