Features Kinesiology Research

Study sheds light on links between cognitive and motor skill development in children with autism

College of Health researchers highlight the ways motor skills and cognitive skills develop in connection with each other in young children with autism.

Community Engagement

Go Baby Go: Fueled by charity, equity, joy and hope

F.O.E. goes the distance by providing cars and cash to support disabled children

Kinesiology News Research

Fewer than half of K-12 PE teachers use high-quality instruction with disabled students, study finds

There’s a lot of research about the link between motor development and lifelong physical activity, and the importance of fundamental motor skill development in young children especially.

Alumni Features Kinesiology

Kinesiology alumna now lifts up her own students and those with disability

More than 2,500 miles away, Oregon State is never far from mind

Faculty and Staff News

Sam Logan Named 2020 Margaret and Thomas Meehan Eminent Mentor

The Honors College has selected of CPHHS Associate Professor Sam Logan as the 2020 Margaret and Thomas Meehan Honors College Eminent Mentor.

Features Kinesiology Research

Work your body, work your brain

Winston Kennedy, a third-year PhD student in the kinesiology program, discusses his research.