The College of Public Health and Human Sciences was once again well-represented at the Oregon Public Health Association’s annual conference in October.
Held on the OSU campus and organized by OPHA planning committee chair and Associate Dean for Research Marie Harvey, the event drew more than 500 attendees from across the state.
Dean Brian Primack provided a keynote lecture on “The Infodemic.”
In addition:
- Thirty-four students presented research posters, which is the highest number ever.
- Faculty members Deborah John, Adam Branscum and Dennis Hynes served as poster judges.
- About a dozen faculty and students made presentations.
- More than 50 faculty, alumni and students attended the OSU mix-and-mingle after hours.
- Two students won the Outstanding Student Poster Award:
- Esmeralda Julyan, a PhD student in health promotion health behavior won for her poster titled “Who drops out of DSME programs? An intersectional analysis PhD student in HPHB.”
- Mandana Masoumirad, a PhD student in health policy, won for her poster titled “Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion: Impact on use of sexual and reproductive health services for women living in rural and urban Oregon.” Learn more about Mandana.