
Capture the moment

“I think it just describes a silly side of me and shows how much fun I was having on that trip,” says Human Development and Family Sciences senior Marissa Ching. “The first time you visit Machu Picchu is magical, and I am so blessed to have experienced it.” Marissa is describing the photo that won her a first place award in the International Degree and Education Abroad program’s 2012 study abroad photo contest.


Public Health PhD student works to prevent workplace injuries in high-risk industries

Preventing workplace injuries and reducing workplace hazards in the nation’s most dangerous industry, commercial fishing, are top priorities for Devin Lucas, a Public Health PhD student concentrating in Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. “I hope that my research will help workers stay safe on the job and come home in one piece,” he says.

Public Health Uncategorized

Video: What is Public Health at Oregon State?

Public Health at Oregon State is a big tent that covers more than 90 percent of the factors that affect our health and well-being. Our signature strengths are in prevention and wellness across the life-span. Public Health at Oregon State is integrated into each of our degree programs and is found in everything we teach, learn, research, and we serve.


The Cambodian spirit, a glimpse

A human development and family sciences major at Oregon State University, Molly will over the coming months assist Pathways with child sponsorship reporting, grant writing and other tasks that will benefit from her native English skills.

News Uncategorized

Frail older adults more likely to be food insufficient

Frail older adults are more likely to be either underweight or obese, while at the same time eating fewer calories than people who were not frail.

Research Uncategorized

Oregon State research, professor rank in top 10 on “High Visibility” list

In a new study set to be published in a prominent exercise and sport science journal, Oregon State University ranked No. 8 out of more than 300 participating institutions over a 20-year period on the “High Visibility” list.