
Cindy and Duncan Campbell: True Friends of the Children

Duncan and Cindy Douglass Campbell ’76 business have dedicated their lives, their work, and their resources to helping vulnerable children.


Joel Weinman: Practical, passionate, patient

There are lots of practical reasons Joel Weinman wants to become a nurse.


Tips for a successful marriage: Work on strengths AND weaknesses

Paying attention to both strengths and weaknesses in a relationship can have great pay offs for the whole family.

HDFS Research

Giving kids a Head Start

The latest issue of Terra, OSU’s research magazine, features a story about how a single mother of three finds the best care for her 4-year-old daughter at OSU’s Child Development Laboratory, which is a part of the college’s new Hallie Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families.

HDFS Research

Small-Town America: Raising and Educating Successful Students

A team of OSU faculty and graduate students recently shared their research on raising kids in rural areas with practical suggestions on what parents, teachers, and school administrators can do to help them succeed in school, and in life.


C. Joanne Grabinski ’63, gerontology educator and author looks back

“Fifty years ago this fall, a dream came true for me as I began my freshman year in the College of Home Economics at Oregon State,” wrote Joanne Grabinski ’63 recently.