Nutrition Research

Taking a nutritional approach to prevent Alzheimer’s

Using nutrient “biomarkers” to assess those at risk for dementia may help determine if Alzheimer’s might be slowed or prevented with nutritional approaches.

Nutrition Research

Are botanical estrogens safe?

Russ Turner and Urszula Iwaniec are investigating the impact of botanicals on bone health, breast cancer growth and metastasis, and cognitive function.


Why do we need Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, a nutrient found in food, that’s needed by humans to protect the brain, heart and liver.

Alumni Nutrition

Jan Roberts-Dominguez ’79

OSU Alumnae, Jan Roberts-Dominguez, captures the “sexy” side of hazelnuts in her new book, “Oregon Hazelnut Country, the Food, the Drink, the Spirit”.

Alumni Research

Celia Austin gift supports collaboration among OSU cancer researchers looking for ways to PREVENT, SURVIVE, THRIVE

Celia gazes out the arched window of the Women’s Building as a breeze catches red and yellow leaves swirling against a vivid blue fall sky. “I see things differently now, Even simple fall colors mean more,” says the courageous survivor of breast cancer.

Alumni Kinesiology

Heidi Stanish, PhD, Movement Studies in Disability 1999

“Because of the valuable experience and skills that I gained from the MSD program, I had the confidence to develop new programs in different communities,” says Heidi.