Delivering the hormone leptin directly to the brain through gene therapy aids weight loss without the significant side effect of bone loss, according to new collaborative research from Oregon State University and University of Florida.
Tag: Urszula Iwaniec
When the privately owned aerospace company SpaceX launches a supply ship to the International Space Station next fall, researchers in the Oregon State University Skeletal Biology Lab will be keeping their fingers crossed. The cargo will include a shipment of laboratory mice destined to help the Oregon State scientists shed light on, among things, the consequences of bone and muscle loss in astronauts and elderly adults.

“I hope that my research will contribute to decreasing osteoporosis and reducing fracture risk, especially in aging individuals,” Urszula says.

Drinking moderately as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and exercise may be beneficial for bone health, especially in postmenopausal women

Russ Turner and Urszula Iwaniec are investigating the impact of botanicals on bone health, breast cancer growth and metastasis, and cognitive function.
Celia gazes out the arched window of the Women’s Building as a breeze catches red and yellow leaves swirling against a vivid blue fall sky. “I see things differently now, Even simple fall colors mean more,” says the courageous survivor of breast cancer.