Community Engagement Features Public Health

Reaching out to underserved communities on the coast

When a seafood processor in Newport, Oregon was hit with a large outbreak of the coronavirus virus, FCH Extension Service faculty got to work.

Community Engagement Kinesiology News

Virtual Walk With Ease class increases accessibility to disabled adults

OSU’s Extension Service adapted its Walk With Ease exercise program to make classes more accessible and help a wide range of adults build confidence in being physical active.

Community Engagement News

OSU Extension uses statewide network to encourage participation in vaccinations

From the Oregon Coast to the eastern rangelands, Oregon State University Extension Service is collaborating to build knowledge, confidence and participation in COVID-19 vaccinations.

Community Engagement Nutrition

Healthy choices are on the menu in new virtual central Oregon nutrition class

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty in the Extension Family and Community Health Program have been finding ways to re-engage with people who attended in-person classes, workshops and events.

Community Engagement HDFS News Nutrition

Growing Healthy Kids, featuring video lessons, returns for spring

Growing Healthy Kids will have a new video lesson every Thursday until May 13, 2021. The video lessons give students opportunities to learn basic plant parts and encourage students to try a variety of fruits and vegetables using their senses.

Community Engagement Faculty and Staff News Public Health

OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences finalist for national community service award

The College of Public Health and Human Sciences is one of three finalists for the Harrison C. Spencer Award.