Kinesiology News Research

Physical activity lacking for food-insecure Oregon rural children

“We interpret this to mean many of Oregon’s rural families at risk for food insecurity are also struggling to provide physical activity opportunities for their children,” says Kathy Gunter, an OSU Extension Service physical activity specialist and lead author on the study.

Kinesiology Students

Video: Pushing the limits

From traversing deep in the forest, to trekking through high desert and scaling rugged peaks and glaciers, each year 9,500 Oregon State students experience all the Pacific Northwest – and beyond – has to offer.

These rare and unique experiences fall under Physical Activity Course (PAC) classes and select Kinesiology courses – housed with the College of Public Health and Human Sciences – and are run through the university’s Adventure Leadership Institute™ (ALI). Adventures include rock climbing, rafting, canyoneering, hiking, wilderness first aid and backpacking.

Features Kinesiology

Faculty Staff Fitness participant profile: Maggie Anderson

“I love all kinds of activity. I love lifting because I almost immediately feel stronger after doing it. I love team sports, like basketball, because I’m competitive. I love yoga for quiet mornings, long bike rides or hikes for spending time with friends, and running if I need to get outside and clear my head.”


Video: Faculty Staff Fitness has something for everyone

The Faculty Staff Fitness program, housed in the CPHHS, has a variety of fun and energizing classes to help employees, retirees, graduate students and affiliates stay active during the workday. Classes are conveniently scheduled before, during and after work so that participants can easily fit them into their busy schedules. Set in a friendly and inspiring setting, classes fall into under aerobic, aquatic, specialty, weight training and mind/body. Check out class descriptions to see if something strikes your fancy.

Kinesiology News Public Health Research

Special Olympians will help OSU researchers gain further health insights

“There still is this misconception that if you have a disability, then you cannot be healthy,” says Gloria Krahn, the Barbara Emily Knudson Endowed Chair in Family Policy Studies. “I would’ve thought that after 25 years, we would be past some of that. Special Olympics is helping bring about that change.”


Faculty Staff Fitness participant profile: Rick Brand

“I have a number of components to my philosophy around fitness and exercise. Consistency is very important, and creating good habits around overall fitness is first on the list. It’s about a way of life and includes diet, exercise and movement, focus, mental challenges, creativity and having fun with life. There is solitude in all of this, but at the same time it’s a social event. I probably do 90 percent of my exercise socially.”