The Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association has selected Oregon State’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences Dean F. Javier Nieto to receive the WMAA Basic Sciences Emeritus Faculty Award for 2021.

The Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association has selected Oregon State’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences Dean F. Javier Nieto to receive the WMAA Basic Sciences Emeritus Faculty Award for 2021.
Recognizing the strain of the pandemic in Columbia County, Jenny and others in the area’s OSU Extension Service office didn’t hesitate to assist with drive-through COVID-19 testing clinics.
Prior to the state’s Medicaid expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act, low-income women who were not otherwise eligible for Medicaid became eligible when they became pregnant.
Kalapuya High School students partake in an adapted cooking class offered through a partnership with OSU Extension Service and FOOD For Lane County.
Occupational health and safety expert Anthony Veltri published new research in the Journal of Cleaner Production.
Oregon State researchers received a grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to create a national TRACE Center that will expand the OSU’s COVID-19 public health project to other states.