Workers in the construction industry are most likely to suffer injuries early in their shifts, and those working night shifts experience more severe injuries, a recent OSU study finds.

Workers in the construction industry are most likely to suffer injuries early in their shifts, and those working night shifts experience more severe injuries, a recent OSU study finds.
To best help kids with autism maintain healthy rates of physical activity, interventions should be targeted during the ages of 9 to 13, when kids show the biggest drop in active time.
Through the program, every dollar SNAP participants spend on eligible foods at participating farmers markets and grocery stores, they get an additional dollar to spend on Oregon-grown fruits and vegetables.
Support for policies prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products on Oregon State University’s Corvallis campus grew substantially over a five-year span, especially among tobacco users.
Harrison Stierwalt, PhD, doctoral graduate in kinesiology, received the 2020 Integrative Physiology of Exercise Oral Presentation Award.
There is a growing evidence that dogs can help children in many ways, including with social development, increasing physical activity and managing anxiety.