
Endowment to increase healthy eating, whole grain education

As part of a $5 million gift to the CPHHS from Bob and Charlee Moore of Bob’s Red Mill to further nutrition education, research and outreach, CPHHS’ Extension Family and Community Health specialist Renee Carr has been named the Moore Family Center endowed outreach coordinator.

Nutrition Students Uncategorized

Nutrition students win Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics awards

Two Oregon State Nutrition students and an OSU Dietetic intern have been named the Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2013 student award recipients.

Nutrition Research Uncategorized

CPHHS professor receives prestigious nutrition sciences award

The American Society for Nutrition has awarded CPHHS Nutrition Professor Maret Traber the 2013 Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Nutritional Sciences Award.

Public Health Uncategorized

Video: Healthy Community Fair encourages safe, healthy activities

The College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ Public Health Club hosted the Healthy Community Fair on the Memorial Union quad April 12 as part of National Public Health Week.


CPHHS’ marketing team wins 2013 CASE awards

The College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ marketing team made a big impression at this year’s Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) conference in Portland, winning two awards in the District VIII Communication Awards competition.

News Research Uncategorized

Video: Physical education requirement at four-year universities at all-time low

Even as policy makers and health experts point to an increased need for exercise, more than half of four-year colleges and universities in the United States have dropped physical education requirements compared to historic levels.