Health Heroes Public Health Students

Public health student a stand-out in public health community 

Meet Dean’s Health Hero Denna Alnasser

Health Tips Students

How to find a PhD advisor 

5 tips for contacting faculty advisors when applying to graduate school

Health Heroes Public Health Students

OSU student chose to study public health to make big changes in her community

Meet Dean’s Health Hero Carrington Fastelin

Faculty and Staff News

Associate Dean for Student Success Vicki Ebbeck announces her retirement

After 33 years with the college, Professor Vicki Ebbeck, associate dean for student success, is retiring. September 30 will be her last day with the college.

HDFS Health Heroes Students

PhD student in human development and family sciences works to improve students’ mental health 

Meet Dean’s Health Hero Slade Thackeray

Health Heroes Kinesiology Students

Kinesiology student athlete committed to a career helping children with disability 

Meet Dean’s Health Hero Emily Bourne