Features HDFS News Public Health Research

Residential proximity to oil and gas drilling linked to lower birthweights in newborns, study finds

A new study found that infants born within 3 kilometers of oil and natural gas drilling facilities in Texas had slightly lower birthweights than those born before drilling began in their vicinity.

Nutrition Research

Baby love

When samples of infant digestive fluids and stool arrive in David Dallas’ lab, they are treated with extra care.

News Public Health Research

Recent health reforms in Oregon reduce infant deaths and improve access to reproductive health services

Oregon’s unique health care delivery system for low-income patients is resulting in fewer infant deaths, according to a recent study by Oregon State University researchers.

News Public Health Research

Study finds improved birth outcomes after implementation of coordinated care organizations

Oregon women on Medicaid were more than 10 percent less likely to have babies with low birthweight or abnormal conditions following the state’s implementation of coordinated care organizations, a new study from College of Public Health and Human Sciences researchers has found.