Features HDFS Research

Finding a common language

Family Impact Seminars are one way the College of Public Health and Human Sciences (CPHHS) is living out Oregon State University’s land grant mission. “The seminars connect state policymakers with research experts to provide the best scientific evidence on topics of current interest,” says Rick Settersten, head of the CPHHS School of Social and Behavioral […]

Features HDFS

Ask anything

As the new instructor for the undergraduate course Human Sexuality, Dan Dowhower wants you to think beyond body parts.

HDFS News Research

When it comes to positive youth development, it is possible to care too much

New research indicates there may be a point where youth can “care too much.”

Features HDFS Students

Mikayla Pivec is assisting for life

You might be surprised to find a student-athlete playing Uno with a homeless woman at a cold weather shelter on Monroe Avenue.

HDFS News Research

Child care remains in short supply across Oregon

Regulated child care remains in short supply across Oregon, creating child care “deserts” in all 36 of the state’s counties.

HDFS News Research

Nearly two-thirds of American children live in asset poverty

More than 63 percent of American children and 55 percent of Americans live in “asset” poverty, meaning they have few or no assets to rely on in the event of a financial shock such as a job loss, a medical crisis or the recent federal government shutdown, new research from Oregon State University indicates.