Kinesiology News Research

Taking stairs, raking leaves may equal a trip to the gym

The results of this study are promising, and show that simply building movement into everyday activities can have meaningful health benefits.


Beyond disability

After transitioning out of the IMPACT program, 33-year-old Jeff Collins, who is on the autism spectrum and experiences intellectual and developmental disabilities, shares his love of fitness as a mentor to an 18-year-old friend.


Video: EXSS class offers a hands-on approach to emergency care

Are you the kind of person who jumps into action when someone is in need of help? Well, the CPHHS has a class – and degree – just for you! Students in the CPHHS’s Athletic Training Program learn to become first responders on and off the field.


EXSS Professor Brad Cardinal named 2013 “Distinguished Scholar”

CPHHS’s Exercise and Sport Science Professor Brad Cardinal has recently been selected as the 2013 NAKHE Distinguished Scholar Award recipient.

Kinesiology News Research

Study: Physical Activity Impacts Overall Quality Of Sleep

People sleep significantly better and feel more alert during the day if they get at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, a new study concludes.

Alumni Kinesiology News

Maria Kosma named young alum of the year

Movement Studies in Disability alumna Maria Kosma was honored with the Oregon State University Alumni Association’s Young Alumni Award for 2011