Features HDFS News Public Health Research

Residential proximity to oil and gas drilling linked to lower birthweights in newborns, study finds

A new study found that infants born within 3 kilometers of oil and natural gas drilling facilities in Texas had slightly lower birthweights than those born before drilling began in their vicinity.

Features Kinesiology News Research

Recess quality influences student behavior, social-emotional development, OSU study finds

Recess quality, not just the time spent out of the classroom, plays a major role in whether children experience the full physical, mental and social-emotional benefits of recess.

News Public Health

Seventh round of Corvallis TRACE-COVID-19 sampling suggests three people in 1,000 have virus

The seventh round of door-to-door sampling throughout Corvallis by TRACE-COVID-19 field workers on suggested three people per 1,000 carried the coronavirus on those days.

Features HDFS News Research

Quality supervision, coworker support key to child welfare caseworker retention, OSU study finds

Instead of looking at the reasons child welfare caseworkers leave their jobs, OSU researchers examined the common factors among workers who stay in the field, and what makes them feel most satisfied in their work.

Community Engagement News Public Health

Vaccinations to be offered during Corvallis TRACE-COVID-19 sampling June 5 and 6

Oregon State’s TRACE-COVID-19 program is partnering with Samaritan Health Services to offer door-to-door vaccinations as TRACE conducts its seventh community survey in Corvallis for the coronavirus.

Faculty and Staff Kinesiology News

Kinesiology professor tapped as interim dean

Christine Pollard to serve as interim dean of academic affairs for OSU-Cascades beginning on June 1.