Nutrition Public Health

Founders of Bob’s Red Mill give $5 million gift for new OSU Center

A $5 million gift will launch the Moore Family Center for Whole Grain Foods, Nutrition, and Preventive Health, a new research and outreach center at OSU focused on whole grain foods nutrition.

Alumni Nutrition

Jan Roberts-Dominguez ’79

OSU Alumnae, Jan Roberts-Dominguez, captures the “sexy” side of hazelnuts in her new book, “Oregon Hazelnut Country, the Food, the Drink, the Spirit”.


Sustainable Cooking

Iris Briand takes a holistic approach in her Sustainable Cooking Series of classes for OSU students she started last year.

Alumni Nutrition

Rhonda Smythe ‘08, Nutrition and Dietetics

After living in Oregon my entire life, I wanted to see firsthand how the rest of the country eats and how their relationships and behaviors with food are different.

Health Tips Kinesiology Nutrition

Healthy choices, active kids

It’s a perfect time of year to start healthy habits outdoors! According to assistant professor and Extension faculty Kathy Gunter, the simple act of taking a walk after dinner as a family may help children learn the value of physical activity.

Nutrition Research

What we eat. What we know.

Emily Ho believes part of her role as a researcher is to disseminate the results of high-quality nutrition research in a timely way.