Features Public Health Research Students

It’s all in the data

CPHHS Professor Ellen Smit saw the All of Us Journey event as the perfect opportunity to share a hands-on experience with her students, who are learning about public health surveillance in the classroom. She says it demonstrated the importance of using public health data and how critical participant recruitment is to the research process.

Features Public Health Students

Reeling them in

Hayley is interested in how the world works around us.

Features Nutrition Students

Fancy some fruit on your head?

“We are trying to change the stigma of being overweight and the negative effect that can have,” Tyler Chase, club president and a senior majoring in Nutrition, says. “Being healthy isn’t about reaching the finish line or having a specific body. It’s a behavior that you can incorporate no matter how much you weigh.”

Features HDFS Students

Dreamer won’t give up

“Being in school gave me the sense that I could do something more,” Priscila said. “It gave me so much value.”

Public Health Research Students

When Beavers give a dam

Health Promotion and Health Behavior Ph.D. candidate Coral Cotto-Negrón knows that Beavers Give a Dam. The sexual violence prevention program is the focus of her dissertation research with Assistant Professor Jessica Gorman.

Public Health Students

Public health student headed to Washington, D.C.

CPHHS Public Health student Greg Heinonen will be traveling to Washington, D.C., in April to participate in the 22nd annual “Posters on the Hill,” which allows him to present his research to national lawmakers.