
Fu Jen Friendships

“Xuexi wenhua zai taiwan shi hen you yisi,” says Farm Saechao in describing her study abroad experience at Fu Jen University in Taiwan winter term. “Studying the culture in Taiwan was very  interesting,” she translates, “but the friendships I made with the Taiwanese students was the best part.” Farm’s ancestors are from China and her […]


Real world applicaitons for student research

Trent Tam Sing, Rachel Brinker, and Nicole Santorno are part of a growing trend in the College of undergraduates doing research.


Jumping for Joy…and Strong Bones

The BUGSY (Building the Growing Skeleton in Youth) study started in 1997, supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. Since that time, data have been collected on more than 300 elementary school children to measure their bone mineral content (BMC).


Students learn the joy of giving

“I can’t express how cool it is, especially in these economic times, to have students initiate this, and to understand, “Let’s be part of the solution,” Karen says. “It’s a testament to the kind of kids who work with KidSpirit.”

Public Health

Ruth Mwandira: Changing laws, lives, and legacies for women throughout Malawi

“We are making changes, but resistance is still there. We aren’t just changing laws…we’re changing a culture.”


Heather Hodnett: 
Finding the gifts in taking risks

“It changed my life – the harsh conditions there, the things we take for granted here. Now I look past the little things and see the bigger picture, see the people.”