CPHHS internships in the time of COVID-19

CPHHS internships in the time of COVID-19
Whether for convenience, cost or comfort, many people look to online resources for fitness and exercise information — especially when faced with fitness center and gym closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, most internet-based recommendations for physical activity don’t match up with the guidelines supported by national health organizations, a recent study from Oregon State […]
The goal of TRACE is to estimate how many people are infected in an entire community.
For one alum, it’s advising the Navy’s COVID-19 response oversees
When OSU’s TRACE-COVID-19 study was preparing to launch, the research team and its community partners knew they needed to be able to respond to questions and concerns from study participants and the public. A call center was needed, but how could one be created in such a short time? CPHHS Dean F. Javier Nieto, a […]
“Ultimately, these numbers aren’t good news or bad news, but rather they help us understand what the prevalence of the virus is.”