Get to know Ashley Vaughn, the College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ newest public health instructor.

Get to know Ashley Vaughn, the College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ newest public health instructor.
Maddie is an undergraduate student studying public health and will celebrate her graduation this spring. In fall 2021, she will start a Master of Science in Nursing program at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
CPHHS faculty, students and alumni addressed how COVID-19 has made isolation and health disparities even worse for Latinx communities
When OSU’s TRACE-COVID-19 study was preparing to launch, the research team and its community partners knew they needed to be able to respond to questions and concerns from study participants and the public. A call center was needed, but how could one be created in such a short time? CPHHS Dean F. Javier Nieto, a […]
It’s this overlooked source that’s been there this whole time. They’ve been in the community for more than a hundred years.
For OSU students, the study provides hands-on experience and the potential to make a local and global impact.