Features Research

Environmental health is human health

College researchers explore how our environment can impact our health and well-being

Community Engagement Public Health Research

Be Well Project helps Oregonians learn about contaminants in their well water

Millions of Americans rely on private wells for drinking water, yet many are unaware of potential contaminants like arsenic and nitrate

Public Health Students

MPH student advocates for sustainable practices at sporting events 

Jordan Spradlin channels her passion for sustainability to make a difference at Oregon State and across the United States

Public Health Research Students

Public health doctoral student wants to ensure kids can grow up in healthy environments

Stephanie Foster, MPH ’18, connects her love of human health and biology with Oregon State’s environmental and occupational health doctoral program

Community Engagement Features HDFS Kinesiology News Public Health

Nearly $5M grant to establish children’s environmental health research center at Oregon State

The OSU center will be housed in the university’s Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families within the College of Public Health and Human Sciences.

Health Tips Public Health

What’s in your water?

College and Extension faculty share the ins and outs of ensuring your drinking water is safe. The big takeaway: Arsenic, nitrate and lead are tasteless, odorless and invisible. The only way to know if they are present is to test your water using a certified laboratory.