Public Health Uncategorized

Video: What is Public Health at Oregon State?

Public Health at Oregon State is a big tent that covers more than 90 percent of the factors that affect our health and well-being. Our signature strengths are in prevention and wellness across the life-span. Public Health at Oregon State is integrated into each of our degree programs and is found in everything we teach, learn, research, and we serve.

News Uncategorized

Frail older adults more likely to be food insufficient

Frail older adults are more likely to be either underweight or obese, while at the same time eating fewer calories than people who were not frail.

News Research

Lower vitamin D could increase risk of dying, especially for frail, older adults

A new study concludes that among older adults – especially those who are frail – low levels of vitamin D can mean a much greater risk of death.

The randomized, nationally representative study found that older adults with low vitamin D levels had a 30 percent greater risk of death than people who had higher levels.

News Research

Could a nightly glass of wine improve bone health?

Drinking moderately as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and exercise may be beneficial for bone health, especially in postmenopausal women


Jovan Duvall

Jovan Duvall, healthy eater, cultural ambassador, writer, leader, OSU Graduate (almost), cooks for the masses as a co-leader for launch of the $1.2-million Food Hero Social Marketing Campaign.


Breast Cancer Survival May Improve With Vegetable Consumption

There is pretty strong evidence from studies that compounds found in cruciferous vegetables may have cancer-fighting properties.