Alumni Students

CPHHS Career Symposium proves anything is possible

Anything is possible with passion and hard work. That’s the message students took away from keynote speaker CPHHS alum and OSU Women’s Basketball Head Coach Scott Rueck at the College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ first Career Symposium held April 10.

Community Engagement Kinesiology Nutrition Public Health

Molalla eats its veggies and goes the extra mile

Surrounded by farmland, the town of Molalla is known for its 100-year-old rodeo. But some are trying to make it known for a healthy lifestyle.

Community Engagement News

Modeling healthy choices

Through Youth Advocates for Health, or YA4-H!, teens such as Sarah are mentoring younger children in communities from Astoria to Ontario to help them make healthy choices.

Alumni Public Health

Trekking for a cause

When CPHHS alum Seth Wolpin begins his journey through the mountaintops of South Asia, he’s not just stepping into a trip of a lifetime – he’s putting one foot forward toward a movement to improve public health for children in Nepal.


Getting to know: Sam Johnson

“In terms of my teaching, I hope the students come out prepared and ready to provide quality care to their patients,” Sam says.

News Research

Religion, spirituality influence health in different but complementary ways

“Religion helps regulate behavior and health habits, while spirituality regulates your emotions, how you feel,” said Carolyn Aldwin, a gerontology professor in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at OSU.