CPHHS internships in the time of COVID-19

CPHHS internships in the time of COVID-19
Learning to plan meals may be difficult for many Oregon State students as they transition from having meals prepared at home or in a more structured environment. Mary Cluskey, associate professor in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences, says techniques such as meal prepping and smart grocery shopping can help form healthy eating […]
After a career as a food scientist in dairy product development, Peggy took a break to be a stay-at- home mom. It was during this time that she thought long and hard about what she wanted to do for the remainder of her career. She arrived at the decision that she would return to school as a non-traditional student and shift her career path. This would allow her to live her true passion – helping people achieve or maintain their health through their food choices.
New research suggests that photographs of your food might help improve your health and also national nutrition policy.
“It is so rewarding to feel as though I’ve made a difference, even if small, in my patients’ lives,” says Oregon State University Dietetic Internship intern Paige Becker, who is the recipient of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarship. “This is my favorite aspect of the internship thus far.”
College of Public Health and Human Sciences alumna Jenny Jackson, PhD ’15, has received the 2015 Student Leader Award from Oregon State University for her contributions to students, the community and Oregon.